Book Online Booking detailsArrival date:Departure date:Nights:Guests:* 1A Adult 18+:Children 6-17yrs:Infants 0-5yrs:Dogs: Currency:AUD (Australian Dollars)USD (United States Dollars)NZD (New Zealand Dollars)GBP (British Pound Sterling)EUR (Euro)HKD (Hong Kong Dollar)THB (Thai Baht)VUV (Vanuatu Vatu)FJD (Fijian Dollar)IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)Guest equipmentMeasurement unit:MetresFeetLength:Width:Equipment type:NoneCaravanCamper TrailerTentRooftop TentMotorhome FeaturesAccess to park facilitiesAccess to park laundry facilitiesAir conditioningBath mat & hand towelBathroomBBQBunk bedsCamp kitchenCar spaceCeiling fanDog friendly sitesDump pointEnsuiteFully equipped kitchenKitchenetteLinen suppliedQueen bedSlab/grass/synthetic sitesTV/DVDVerandah English中文français한국어русский Midweek Power Up at Burrill Lake! Selected Powered Sites just $25 a night! InformationLoading availabilityAll prices shown are in AUD (Australian Dollars). Powered by Newbook